Jumat, 12 Februari 2010


1.1. Know Your Visual Basic 6.0
Basic language is essentially a language that is easily understood so that programming in the Basic language can easily be done even by someone who was just learning to program. This is even easier after the presence of Microsoft Visual Basic, which was built from an idea to make the language simple and easy to manufacture scriptnya (simple scripting language) for the graphic user interface developed in Microsoft Windows operating systems.
Visual Basic is a programming language that is very easy to learn, with visual programming technique that allows users to create better in producing an application program. This is seen from the bottom of it in visual basic is FORM, where the user can set the display of the form and then run the script that is very easy. The blast marked the use of Visual Basic to Visual Basic's ability to interact with other applications in the Windows operating system with the ActiveX Control component. With this component allows penguna to call and use all existing data models in the windows operating system. This is also supported by programming techniques in Visual Basic which adopt two types of programming Visual programming and Object Oriented Programming (OOP).
Visual Basic 6.0 actually progress from previous versions with several additional components that are current trends, such as Internet programming capability to DHTML (Dynamic HyperText Mark Language), and several additional features and multimedia database, the better. Until the time of writing can be said that the Visual Basic 6.0 is still the first select in the making existing application programs in the national software market. This is due to the ease in the development process of applications made.

1.2. Interface Interface Visual Basic 6.0

Interface interface Visual Basic 6.0, with menus, toolbars, toolbox, forms, project explorer and properties as shown in figure 1.1. follows:

Application programming using Visual Basic is done by making an application to the form view, and given the script in the program components required. Form prepared by the components in the [Toolbox], and every component that is used to set the property through the window [Property].

The menu is basically the standard operating in the windows operating system, such as creating a new form, create a new project, open the project and save the project. In addition there are facilities on the use of visual basic menus. For more details, Visual Basic provides a very detailed assistance and detail in the MSDN.

Toolbox contains the components that can be used by an active project, meaning the contents of the toolbox components depends on the type of project is built. Standard component in the toolbox can be seen in Figure 1.2 below.

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