Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010


1.1. Basic Concepts Programming In Visual Basic 6.0
The basic concept of Visual Basic 6.0 programming, is the creation of forms by following the rules of programming Property, Method, and Event. This means:
Property: Each component in the Visual Basic programming properties can be adjusted according to application needs. Property that should not be forgotten in every component is "Name", which means that a variable (component) that will be used in scripting. Property "Name" can only be arranged through the Property window, while the other values of bias peroperti regulated through the script like
Command1.Caption = "Play"
Text1.Text = "Visual Basic"
Label1.Visible = False
Timer1.Enable = True ·
Method: The course of the program can be adjusted in accordance with the application programming method is set as the action of each component. This method to express the programming logic of making an application prgram.
Event: Every component may act through the event, such as the event click on the button command is written in the script Command1_Click screen, or the Mouse Down event on the picture is written by Picture1_MouseDown. Setting event in every component that will run all the methods are made.

1.2. Creating New Project To begin the application program in Visual Basic, which is done is create a new project. Project is a collection of forms, modules, functions, data and reports used in an application. Creating a new projrct can be done by selecting the menu [File]>> [New Project] or by pressing the icon [new project] vb31pada Toolbar located at the top left corner. After that will come for the type of project confirmation from yan application programs will be made as shown in the figure 1.3. follows.

Visual Basic 6.0 provides 13 types of projects that can be made as shown in the picture above 1.3. There are several projects that used by many users of Visual Basic, among others:
· Standard EXE Project in Visual Basic standard with standard components. This type of project is very simple, but has the advantage that all components can be recognized by all computers and all users, although not an administrator. In this book will use Standard EXE project is, as the concept of visual programming.
· ActiveX EXE: This Project is project contains ActiveX components intuk ability to interact with all the applications on windows operating system.
· ActiveX DLL: This project resulted in a library application can then be used by all applications in windows operating system.
· ActiveX Control: Project is to produce new components for Visual Basic applications other
· VB Application Wizard: This project guides the user to create applications easily without having to bother with programming commands.
· Addin: Project such as the Standard EXE, but with a variety of additional components that enable creation of user freedom.
· Data Project: This project complements components with the database components. That is to say this project was provided for the purpose of creating database applications.
· DHTML Application: Project is used to create Internet applications on the client side (client side) with DHTML functions.
IIS Application: this project generate on the internet apliaksi server side (server side) with the components of the CGI (Common Gateway Interface). Then select Standard EXE and press [Ok]. Then came the display of the Standard Exe as in figure 1.1. Thus the project is ready made. In a previous project making double click on the form that made it invisible hidden window (hidden windows) is a window for making the program or the windows code (code windows). This can be done by selecting icons or windows form window of an existing code in the [Project Explorer]. This can be seen in the figure 1.4 and Figure 1.5

figure 1.4

Figure 1.5

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In the form window, the user in building a view of the application programs will be made by adjusting the components of a good location, property and eventnya. To retrieve a component of the [Toolbox] can be done with the click components, then clik or pull in the correct position on the form. For example take the label from the Toolbox can be done in a way like Figure 1.6 below:

Figure 1.6

The steps to take labels from the toolbox to be paired in the form are as follows:

1. Click the icon [label] in [ToolBox]

2. Move to a position where the label will be placed

3. Clik and drag until it was right then release


Do not forget to set the property name of each component used, because the name is the identity of the object to be used in writing programs.

The next step is to provide the text on the label, say "Hello world", then piliha Caption property, and fill with Hello World. Results show the program is as follows:

Figure 1.7 : Layout

And to run the program click the Run icon () on the toolbar or select the [Run]>> [Start], or to press the [F5]. So that the results of the program are:

Figure 1.8. The program

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Jumat, 12 Februari 2010


1.1. Know Your Visual Basic 6.0
Basic language is essentially a language that is easily understood so that programming in the Basic language can easily be done even by someone who was just learning to program. This is even easier after the presence of Microsoft Visual Basic, which was built from an idea to make the language simple and easy to manufacture scriptnya (simple scripting language) for the graphic user interface developed in Microsoft Windows operating systems.
Visual Basic is a programming language that is very easy to learn, with visual programming technique that allows users to create better in producing an application program. This is seen from the bottom of it in visual basic is FORM, where the user can set the display of the form and then run the script that is very easy. The blast marked the use of Visual Basic to Visual Basic's ability to interact with other applications in the Windows operating system with the ActiveX Control component. With this component allows penguna to call and use all existing data models in the windows operating system. This is also supported by programming techniques in Visual Basic which adopt two types of programming Visual programming and Object Oriented Programming (OOP).
Visual Basic 6.0 actually progress from previous versions with several additional components that are current trends, such as Internet programming capability to DHTML (Dynamic HyperText Mark Language), and several additional features and multimedia database, the better. Until the time of writing can be said that the Visual Basic 6.0 is still the first select in the making existing application programs in the national software market. This is due to the ease in the development process of applications made.

1.2. Interface Interface Visual Basic 6.0

Interface interface Visual Basic 6.0, with menus, toolbars, toolbox, forms, project explorer and properties as shown in figure 1.1. follows:

Application programming using Visual Basic is done by making an application to the form view, and given the script in the program components required. Form prepared by the components in the [Toolbox], and every component that is used to set the property through the window [Property].

The menu is basically the standard operating in the windows operating system, such as creating a new form, create a new project, open the project and save the project. In addition there are facilities on the use of visual basic menus. For more details, Visual Basic provides a very detailed assistance and detail in the MSDN.

Toolbox contains the components that can be used by an active project, meaning the contents of the toolbox components depends on the type of project is built. Standard component in the toolbox can be seen in Figure 1.2 below.

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Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

VB Basics 1: What is VB (Visual Basic)?

Like PHP, Visual Basic is a programming language that is easy to learn and this tutorial will lead you to enter the world of VB to enjoy. With Visual Basic, you can ngembangin applications and games based on Windows.
Visual Basic is much easier to learn than other programming languages (such as Visual C + +) but still a programming language is very powerful.

Interested? Read this tutorial aja further.
Visual Basic is more suitable for development than the development of gaming applications. You can aja make an amazing game using Visual Basic, but if you want to make games more sophisticated professionals such as Quake 2, then you probably would prefer to use other languages (like C + +), which must be much more difficult to use.
However, Visual Basic is already very adequate to meet the needs of almost all dangame application programming you want.

Advantages of Visual Basic:
- Language is simple. Many things may be difficult , we use other programming languages, will be done easily by using Visual Basic.
- Because Visual Basic is very popular, so very many resources you can use to learn and develop the skills you're either in the form of books, web sites, etc. (of course one of them is J). With many of these sources, then of course you will be very easy to find answers to problems that you face right?
- You can get a lot of good free tools on the Internet or not that will really help you save time in programming. For example, if you want to create a program to ping one computer on your network, instead of making it his own ping program, you can donlot a control that do this and stick it in your program. When compared with other languages, Visual Basic have a variety of the most widespread tools .

Disadvantages of Visual Basic:
- Visual Basic is a powerful programming language, but it is not too good to make games that really satisfy.
- More slower than other programming languages.

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Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0: Create Invisible Window

Clear and translucent that a dictionary defines the word transparent. Yes, something that makes transparent clear what is behind him. That's what happens when the application window that is made transparent. Usually the active application window appearance will not overwrite the current window. But now we will try to make a window application with Visual Basic 6.0 so that the transparent inactive windows visible clearly.

How to manufacture the following:

1. Open the Visual Basic 6.0 application via [Start]> [All Programs]> [Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0]> [Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0].

2. In the New Project window, select the New tab.

3. On the New tab, choose Standard EXE and click [Open] to open the window Project1 - Form1 (Form).

4. klik [View] >

  1. untuk membuka jendela Project1 – Form1 (Code)

  2. 5. Ketikkan kode program berikut ini :

  3. [code]Option Explicit
  4. Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowLongA" _
  5. (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
  6. Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" _
  7. (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long
  8. Private Declare Function SetLayeredWindowAttributes Lib "user32" _
  9. (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal crKey As Long, ByVal bAlpha As Long, ByVal _
  10. dwFlags As Long) As Long
  11. Private Const WS_EX_LAYERED As Long = &H80000
  12. Private Const LWA_ALPHA As Long = &H2
  13. Private Const GWL_EXSTYLE = (-20)
  14. Sub TembusPandang(lhWnd As Long, level As Integer)
  15. On Error GoTo keluar

  16. Call SetWindowLong(lhWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(lhWnd _
  18. Call SetLayeredWindowAttributes(lhWnd, 0, (level * 255) / 100, LWA_ALPHA)

  19. keluar:
  20. End Sub

  21. Private Sub Form_Load()
  22. TembusPandang Me.hWnd, 50
  23. End Sub
6. To see the results stored and run by pressing [F5].

In TembusPandang Me.hWnd program code, 50 means the window is made with a transparent level of 50%. Now try changing the numbers 50 to 100. Thus, the effect of invisibility on the window disappeared and returned to normal. Then if we change them to 0, then all the windows are not visible. Please note, translucent effect like this can only be done on the OS Windows 2000 / XP or higher. Good luck!

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Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

Tutorial Visual Basic

Visual Basic (VB) is an ideal programming language for developing sophisticated professional applications for Microsoft Windows. It makes use of Graphical User Interface for creating robust and powerful applications. The Graphical User Interface as the name suggests, uses illustrations for text, which enable users to interact with an application. This feature makes it easier to comprehend things in a quicker and easier way.

Coding in GUI environment is quite a transition to traditional, linear programming methods where the user is guided through a linear path of execution and is limited to small set of operations. In GUI environment, the number of options open to the user is much greater, allowing more freedom to the user and developer. Features such as easier comprehension, user-friendliness, faster application development and many other aspects such as introduction to ActiveX technology and Internet features make Visual Basic an interesting tool to work with.

Visual Basic (VB) was developed from the BASIC programming language. In the 1970s, Microsoft started developing ROM-based interpreted BASIC for the early microprocessor-based computers. In 1982, Microsoft QuickBasic revolutionized Basic and was legitimized as a serious development language for MS-DOS environment. Later on, Microsoft Corporation created the enhanced version of BASIC called Visual Basic for Windows.

Visual Basic (VB) is an event-driven programming language. This is called because programming is done in a graphical environment unlike the previous version BASIC where programming is done in a text only environment and executed sequentially in order to control the user interface. Visual Basic enables the user to design the user interface quickly by drawing and arranging the user elements. Due to this spent time is saved for the repetitive task.

Important Features of Visual Basic (VB)

  • Full set of objects - you 'draw' the application
  • Lots of icons and pictures for your use
  • Response to mouse and keyboard actions
  • Clipboard and printer access
  • Full array of mathematical, string handling, and graphics functions
  • Can handle fixed and dynamic variable and control arrays
  • Sequential and random access file support
  • Useful debugger and error-handling facilities
  • Powerful database access tools
  • ActiveX support
  • Package & Deployment Wizard makes distributing your applications simple

Visual Basic 6 vs Previous versions of Visual Basic

The original Visual Basic for DOS and Visual Basic For Windows were introduced in 1991.

Visual Basic 3.0 (a vast improvement over previous versions) was released in 1993.

Visual Basic 4.0 released in late 1995 (added 32 bit application support).

Visual Basic 5.0 released in late 1996. New environment, supported creation of ActiveX controls, deleted 16 bit application support.

Visual Basic 6.0 - released in mid 1998s - some identified new features of Visual Basic 6.0:

  • Faster compiler
  • New ActiveX data control object
  • Allows database integration with wide variety of applications
  • New data report designer
  • New Package & Deployment Wizard
  • Additional internet capabilities.

If you ever used Visual Basic 3, you too could have known everything. Visual Basic 3 was a reasonably small but powerful language. Visual Basic 4 added classes to the language and made Visual Basic much more complicated. Versions 4, 5, and 6 added more support for database programming and other topics such as custom controls, but Visual Basic was still a fairly understandable language, and if you took the time you could become an expert in just about all of it.

Visual Basic.NET accelerated the expansion of Visual Basic tremendously. The .NET Framework added powerful new tools to Visual Basic, but those tools came at the cost of increased complexity. Associated technologies have been added to the language at an ever - increasing rate, so, today, it is impossible for anyone to be an expert on every topic that deals with Visual Basic.

System requirements for Visual Basic depends on the version of Visual basic software. Visual Basic 6 for windows requires at least Microsoft Windows 95/Windows NT 3.51, 486 processor and a minimum of 16 MB of RAM. A complete installation of the most powerful version of Visual Basic 6.0, the Enterprise Edition, requires more than 250 MB of Hard Disk space. has Visual Basic Tutorials explained with examples and source code. This online Visual Basic tutorials are intended for programmers of all levels. Whether you are a beginner or and advanced VB learner you are absolutely here at the right place to learn what you really should learn. (You will currently find only Visual Basic 6 tutorials. We are working on to provide you with Visual Basic.NET tutorials and more other IT related tutorials covering programming, databases, networking, web development etc. Check back now and then for updated and new lessons from

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