1.1. Basic Concepts Programming In Visual Basic 6.0
The basic concept of Visual Basic 6.0 programming, is the creation of forms by following the rules of programming Property, Method, and Event. This means:
Property: Each component in the Visual Basic programming properties can be adjusted according to application needs. Property that should not be forgotten in every component is "Name", which means that a variable (component) that will be used in scripting. Property "Name" can only be arranged through the Property window, while the other values of bias peroperti regulated through the script like
Command1.Caption = "Play"
Text1.Text = "Visual Basic"
Label1.Visible = False
Timer1.Enable = True ·
Method: The course of the program can be adjusted in accordance with the application programming method is set as the action of each component. This method to express the programming logic of making an application prgram.
Event: Every component may act through the event, such as the event click on the button command is written in the script Command1_Click screen, or the Mouse Down event on the picture is written by Picture1_MouseDown. Setting event in every component that will run all the methods are made.
1.2. Creating New Project To begin the application program in Visual Basic, which is done is create a new project. Project is a collection of forms, modules, functions, data and reports used in an application. Creating a new projrct can be done by selecting the menu [File]>> [New Project] or by pressing the icon [new project] vb31pada Toolbar located at the top left corner. After that will come for the type of project confirmation from yan application programs will be made as shown in the figure 1.3. follows.
Visual Basic 6.0 provides 13 types of projects that can be made as shown in the picture above 1.3. There are several projects that used by many users of Visual Basic, among others:
· Standard EXE Project in Visual Basic standard with standard components. This type of project is very simple, but has the advantage that all components can be recognized by all computers and all users, although not an administrator. In this book will use Standard EXE project is, as the concept of visual programming.
· ActiveX EXE: This Project is project contains ActiveX components intuk ability to interact with all the applications on windows operating system.
· ActiveX DLL: This project resulted in a library application can then be used by all applications in windows operating system.
· ActiveX Control: Project is to produce new components for Visual Basic applications other
· VB Application Wizard: This project guides the user to create applications easily without having to bother with programming commands.
· Addin: Project such as the Standard EXE, but with a variety of additional components that enable creation of user freedom.
· Data Project: This project complements components with the database components. That is to say this project was provided for the purpose of creating database applications.
· DHTML Application: Project is used to create Internet applications on the client side (client side) with DHTML functions.
IIS Application: this project generate on the internet apliaksi server side (server side) with the components of the CGI (Common Gateway Interface). Then select Standard EXE and press [Ok]. Then came the display of the Standard Exe as in figure 1.1. Thus the project is ready made. In a previous project making double click on the form that made it invisible hidden window (hidden windows) is a window for making the program or the windows code (code windows). This can be done by selecting icons or windows form window of an existing code in the [Project Explorer]. This can be seen in the figure 1.4 and Figure 1.5