Senin, 15 Februari 2010

Creating Media Player

You can create various multimedia applications in VB that could play audio CD, audiofiles, VCD , video files and more.

To be able to play multimedia files or multimedia devices, you have to insert Microsoft Multimedia Control into your VB applications that you are going to create. However, Microsoft Multimedia Control is not normally included in the startup toolbox, therefore you need to add the MM control by pressing Ctrl+T and select it from the components dialog box that is displayed.

19.1 Creating a CD player

In this program, you can create a CD player that resembles an actual CD player. It allows the user select a track to play, to fast forward, to rewind and also to eject the CD. It can also display the track being played. The interface and code are shown below

The Code

Private Sub Form_Load()
'To position the page at the center
Left = (Screen.Width - Width) \ 2
Top = (Screen.Height - Height) \ 2
'Initialize the CD
myCD.Command = "Open"

End Sub

Private Sub myCD_StatusUpdate()

'Update the track number
trackNum.Caption = myCD.Track
End Sub

Private Sub Next_Click()
myCD.Command = "Next"
End Sub

Private Sub Play_Click()
myCD.Command = "Play"

End Sub

Private Sub Previous_Click()
myCD.Command = "Prev"
End Sub

Private Sub Stop_Click()
myCD.Command = "Stop"
End Sub

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