Sabtu, 20 Februari 2010

Creating Splash Screen with Delphi

Splash screen is the view that we see the first time when we run an application. Splash screen is usually displayed to the user while reducing the saturation is still in the program initialization phase.

To make a splash scren the following way:

1. Create a main form first.
2. Add the form to be used as a splash screen (from the File menu, select New Form). Give it a name with FrmSplash form.
3. Add a timer component (located on the Win32 tab), give the name of the tmMainTimer.
4. Add the following code in onTimer events of the Timer component:

tmMainTimer.Enabled := False;

5. From the Project menu, select Options.
6. Move to the Forms tab.
7. From auto parts to create visible forms two forms. Select Form to be used as a splash screen and click the ">" to move the splash screen form to the Available forms.
8. If you already click OK.
9. Now from the View menu, select Project Source. In the main program make a splash screen form before initialization done.

For more details, see the following program snippet:

program Project1;

uses Forms,
Unit1 in 'Unit1.pas' {Form1},
Unit2 in 'Unit2.pas' {FrmSplash};

{$R *.RES}

FrmSplash := TFrmSplash.Create(Application);
while FrmSplash.tmMainTimer.Enabled do Application.ProcessMessages;
Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1);
FrmSplash.Free; // menghapus form splash scren dr memory

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